Did you know...
Westport South Beach Historical Society
Owns and maintains the Grays Harbor Lighthouse
Operates the Westport Maritime Museum
Hosts hundreds of local school and preschool groups
Greets thousands of visitors from around the world
Curates thousands of photographs and artifacts
Provides meeting space for support and community groups
Supports the efforts of other maritime museums and small community historical societies statewide
We can't do it without you!

Donations and memorial gifts are accepted to help sustain the operations of the Westport Maritime Museum and Grays Harbor Lighthouse. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations may be made for the Grays Harbor Lighthouse Restoration Fund, or to support the Westport Maritime Museum. We will acknowledge your gift to friends or family members if names and addresses are provided.
Every little bit helps! We're deeply grateful for all donations, large and small.